
Snulight filters through the tree-the interplay between the light and the leaves.


Groupe 040011  /screen print  68x108cm  e.d.2  2004
Groupe 040011 /screen print 68x108cm e.d.2 2004

In the West, "I = Private" but in Japan, "I = Family" where a community smaller than country persistently occupies our lives.

When converting "Surrounding Society" a Japanese unique social system to an orderly hand-arranged sequence array,

the repeats gradually create deformation of shapes and moire of colors where objects respond each other.





"Our ancestors were obliged to live in dark rooms, and they unconsciously find beauty in the shadow.  Before long, they came to use shadows to meet their purposes of beauty."  ("In Praise of Shadows" by Junichiro Tanizaki)

Japanese architecture utilizes darkness of shadows.  In the tearoom or the den, trembling with subtle grace and feeling light from the darkness, a certain kind of uplifted spirit is expressed. 


Chinese character "Kuu" means blue sky, nonexistence, or vacancy.  To feel "Existence" from "Nonexistence," I look for what can be obtained from the empty sky between heaven and the earth


"Karesansui" dry landscape garden is called an origin of subtracting beauty.  Water can be felt in the stone garden where water is not used intentionally.  Elements are infinitely eliminated in the end.  Like seeing "a relation" trained, blanks are arranged by reducing actions of people meeting together to be minimum information = lines.